Put an End to The TMJ Pain with Specialist TMJ Treatment

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Put an End to The TMJ Pain with Specialist TMJ Treatment

July 1, 2022

What Is TMJ Pain and What Are the Symptoms?

TMJ is an acronym for temporomandibular joint, a connective tissue that links the jawbone to the skull. The acronym also refers to the disorder that affects this connective tissue, making it dysfunctional. Therefore, TMJ points to the dysfunction of the connective tissue linking the jawbone to the skull.

Unfortunately, TMJ is a common problem in dentistry, affecting children and adults alike. Some of the pointers that you have TMJ disorders are:

  1. Jaw pain – especially when you chew
  2. Jaw lock – when the mouth keeps getting stuck in the open-mouth position, like when you yawn.
  3. Swollen and tender jaw
  4. Uneven bite
  5. Migraine headaches
  6. Ear pain
  7. Clicking sounds when you move your mouth

What Are the Causes of TMJ?

The causes of TMJ pain develop due to different reasons, including the following:

  1. Dental trauma – dental-related injuries or accidents are the most common causes of TMJ pain.
  2. Bruxism – is a condition featuring excessive teeth grinding. Teeth grinding places unwanted pressure on teeth and the jawbone, likely resulting in TMJ pain.
  3. Clenching – is common when you are stressed, anxious or depressed.
  4. Poor posture – your sleeping position can be the reason you have jaw pain. Sleeping on your side with an uncomfortable pillow can aggravate jaw pain.
  5. Underlying health problems – patients with bone-related health issues can suffer TMJ pain, for example, arthritis or bone cancer.

How is TMJ Treated?

TMJ treatment in Colony, TX, differs from one patient to another depending on the underlying cause of the condition. Some patients need medication, others lifestyle changes, and other drastic surgical measures. Visit us at Main Dentistry to determine the most suitable treatment for your condition. The common treatment approaches for TMJ are:

  1. Jaw exercises – your dentist in the Colony, TX, will recommend some jaw movements that will stretch, strengthen and relax the muscles while reducing the swelling in the connective tissue. Your dentist may also recommend massages for the jaw to complement the jaw exercises.
  2. Mouthguards – are protectors for the oral cavity. They cushion your teeth to reduce clenching, reducing the pressure you exert on your jawbone. Mouthguards are especially crucial for patients that partake in high-contact activities and sports.
  3. Changing sleeping position – your dentist may recommend replacing your pillow ad adopting a different sleeping posture to improve your TMJ symptoms.
  4. Compressions – hot or cold compressing can alleviate swelling and pain in your jawbone.
  5. Pain medication – ensure your dentist prescribes medicine suitable for pain management for your jaw instead of randomly purchasing over-the-counter pain relievers to suppress the pain.
  6. Injections – neurotoxin injections like Botox can relieve pain in your joint hence treating TMJ.
  7. Open-joint surgery – when the conservative approaches for treating TMJ pain do not work, your dentist will recommend surgery. The procedure will repair and restore the discs in the connective joint.

How Can I Find a Good TMJ Treatment Specialist?

Finding a good specialist for TMJ treatment is crucial if you want to treat the jaw pain permanently. Besides, TMJ causes various problems to your health, spreading the pain to your head and neck. Some tips for finding a good TMJ specialist are:

  1. Experience – find a dentist who has had several years of active practice in treating and managing TMJ. Besides, find out whether your dentist has up-to-date knowledge relevant for treating TMJ in modern dentistry.
  2. Individualized treatment options – TMJ affects patients differently. Therefore, you need a specialist that can tailor a treatment plan to your condition after a compressive evaluation of the cause of your TMJ pain.
  3. Get referrals – other patients who have had successful experiences with dentists can point you in the right direction.
  4. Trust your instincts – even though everyone praises that specialist, if something feels off to you are visiting, find a different one. It is crucial to pick a dental expert you feel comfortable around and trust their insights regarding your treatment.
  5. Versatile treatment options – TMJ has various management and treatment alternatives you can try. If your dentist can only offer a few, find one who can do more.

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